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What a thrill! Just this week (June 22, 2016) I found out that Sane Enough is a WINNER (woo hoo) in Foreword Reviews' INDIEFAB Book of the Year Awards. I've won a number of awards as a freelance marketing writer, but this one is the best! So anyway, if you want to know more about me...


I am blessed or cursed with a left-brain/right-brain mind, which means that I'm still trying to decide what I want to be... As a child, I wanted to be an artist, but my parents wouldn't pay for me to go to art school instead of college, so I went to Rice and majored in Chemistry. Go figure. I made it out at the top of my class, but that may have something to do with the fact that I took all the easy math courses. The hard one, quantum mechanics, wasn't a happy experience academically, but did result in meeting my future husband, marrying, and ultimately having a son, a great guy who's a genius at graphic design and indy rock music and who wants to be a teacher. 

From chemistry, I migrated into work in medical laboratories, and from there to IBM, where I was a systems engineer, a sales rep, and later the manager of the medical marketing unit serving the Texas Medical Center. I am great at managing others as long as they all take care of themselves! So, still longing for art, I quit IBM to go to art school -- then got divorced, lived in poverty, and worked on figuring out who I was. In the course of that, I was a freelance carpenter for a couple of years, which was a great introduction to the freelance world. I ultimately became a freelance writer, dishing up brochures, ads, magazine articles, video scripts, etc. for Fortune 500 companies, a lot of fun for about 25 years.

At present, I'm retired and have just graduated with an Associates degree in music at Houston Community College, not that that will stop me from taking more courses. My hobbies include opera, kayaking, gardening, violin, piano, and improvising with an amateur jazz ensemble. I live in Houston. 


I thought writing this book would be the hard part – wrong! The really hard part is getting the book out there. I finally realized that the subject matter here is just the teeniest bit difficult. No one says, “Hmm, think I’ll grab something on mother-daughter sexual abuse to take to the beach.”


Folks don’t want to believe that this kind of abuse happens, so it’s hard to talk about something that people think doesn’t exist. A dear friend of mine, a man I’ve know for 30 years, read an early version of the book and told me he thought I’d made it all up to “blame my mother for my being lesbian.” And I’m not lesbian, though I will say that sexual orientation is one thing that can get royally screwed up and confusing if you’ve been molested.


And then there were the reviewers. One esteemed review source, which shall remain nameless but you’d recognize it in a heartbeat, did mention that my writing was masterful and that the book constituted an important contribution to the literature, but then buried that information by recounting the plot backwards (making it seem stupid), using disgusting language (making the book seem repellant), insinuating that the therapist who believed my story was a nut-case, and closing by remarking that I’d moved forward with my life and now reported a good relationship with my toy poodle! I mean seriously, who would ever have a bad relationship with a toy poodle? All my dogs have loved me.


In any case, I've written as openly, as honestly, and as well as I can. I hope that those who need this book will find it, and that it will be a source of help. Please feel free to contact me through the contact page on this website.


I wish all good things to everyone out there. Except maybe that reviewer...


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